
Momentpin For Business
Build your own community and business with Momentpin. Momentpin’s vision for online communities and businesses, is an easy-to-use platform, which can be accessed by all members with privacy guaranteed.

Video Integration
Momentpin allows Businesses to share video content via its in-built video player. A keyway to keep your audience engaged is by sharing not only images and text, but videos. The Momentpin video player can also remain open while you browse through any other feeds you may have open within the platform. This gives you undisturbed viewing when you are watching something of interest. Statistics have proved that Live videos are being watched 3 x longer than pre-recorded videos. Momentpin also allows live video integration which means direct interaction and increased engagement with your audience.

Integrated payment and Donation system
Momentpin has an automated payment process in place. This means for a business you are not worrying about where and when your funds are coming to you. Within the Momentpin Business Dashboard, you are able to not only view, but you can download and save receipts for all your payments. Momentpin has an integrated Gift Aid solution which means charities who are registered in the UK are able to easily reclaim the 25% tax from the government. Momentpin’s Gift Aid solution is fully automated and easy for users to navigate through which provides a better user experience.

User Management
Momentpin provides all businesses with access to a Momentpin Dashboard. Through this dashboard a business can not only view, but can add, remove, suspend, or block users within its feeds. The dashboard also provides the business with an overview of how their users are engaging and interacting via the Analytics tab. This information and feedback can help a business develop its content and delivery.

Moderation of content
The Momentpin platform provides businesses with the ability to assign certain members as “managers”. A “manager” is able to moderate the content shared and when necessary they can remove any inappropriate content. The “Manager” can also add or remove members from the feed if they feel their conduct violates the business code of conduct and or terms and conditions.

Desktop Application
Momentpin has identified that although majority of users are using a mobile device, there is still a demand for applications to be accessible via a desktop. With this in mind Momentpin can proudly announce that the near future a desktop application will be available for anyone to download. This desktop application will allow users to access, share and engage just the way they would on their mobile device. For schools and educational institutes, the desktop application will be very useful as it will allow the users to read and share documentation simultaneously.
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